Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Why the Conscious Patterns Idea is Important

Conscious Patterns Dancing in the Field - the Physics of Mind

Why This Is So Important

Our world is broken; every day we see atrocities: war, financial irresponsibility, deprivation, starvation; all the result of human stupidity. Other creatures don’t cause these things, so why do we?

Perhaps it stems from an inadequate concept of what it means to be human. We simply don't know what we are any more.  The old answers seem incompatible with our knowledge of science, and the answers science offers are unhelpful.

Are we (a) a more intelligent animal (b) a neurobiological illusion, (c) an economic agent, (d) a magical combination of spirit and flesh, or (e) none of the above? These are the answers on offer today.

We have decisions to make, and to make them, we need to know what we are and why we are here. Without good answers, we are free to do whatever feels right at the time - including hurting one another in various ways.

At the root of the problem is a disconnect between the world of science and the world of the mind, the spirit.

This book shows that there is a way, a coherent way, a physical way, to understand what a mind is doing when it thinks; to understand what minds are doing when they communicate (as you and I are doing right now); and to understand what our purpose is in the universe.

It involves recognizing that there are two complementary aspects of reality: the physical and the conceptual.  And that minds exist and operate on the interface between the two.
The bold new idea this book develops is that mind, consciousness, actually is the dynamic information pattern that dances on the surface of the brain as it manipulates concepts and shares them with others.
The thing that is conscious is the pattern itself.

This is a new way of understanding ourselves, others, and our place in reality. It answers the questions of what we are and why we are here, showing that humanity has a clear and significant role in the cosmos. For some readers, it may even open access to the transformative resources of scripture.